One question I have is that this iPAD platform has 32GB of real memory on it and is fairly new. But the App gets to 800-900 MB of space and doesn't go much higher, Memory seems to be getting tight. Is there a way to make it possible to use more than 1GB of space for a single app? Where is the memory quota for a single app established and how do I push the limits upward? There is also 2TB of storage on the platform and not much of it is in use.
I am seeing it too. The system goes catatonic and does not respond at all to anything but pause requests. I am running a modified version of RoomPlan and This goes on for quite a while.. One anomalous message that I get is that there is this sequence after about 50 messages.
"<<<< AVPointCloudData >>>> Fig assert: "_dataBuffer" at bail (AVPointCloudData.m:217) - (err=0)
ARWorldTrackingTechnique <0x1186f4fb0>: World tracking performance is being affected by resource constraints [25]
<<<< AVPointCloudData >>>> Fig assert: "_dataBuffer" at bail (AVPointCloudData.m:217) - (err=0)
<<<< AVPointCloudData >>>> Fig assert: "_dataBuffer" at bail (AVPointCloudData.m:217) - (err=0)"
And this happens periodically during the catatonia by the app. What was going on immediately prior to the error was that a call was made to a function called "Renderer" provided by one of the Metal processing demo kits that I merged into Room Plan. This seems to aggravate the error. I also get a weird projection of the walls of the room over the floor which are cattywhompus, i.e. the floor alignment Is. about 30 degrees of from where it should be with the 3 walls which seem to have a normal alignment with each other even though they are off center from the floor and the object in the room is also off center
I am seeing it also, and the message "<<<< AVPointCloudData >>>> Fig assert: "_dataBuffer" at bail (AVPointCloudData.m:217) - (err=0)" should be a concern because bailing out is not a normal thing that SHOULD be done in processing Point Cloud Data. Too bad the source code for this is not available so we could confirm for ourselves that this is not a harmful condition. The comment about this being debug spam is a bit unsettling and a bad programming practice if that is the only outfall of the message that it takes space in the debug logs. Given the other messages about Point Cloud data that is generated during our tests I think it is less than benign.
Yes, that is the sample I was running. Thank you for verifying the issue and the response. I had a similar problem with another sample that manifested itself in a different way. I was using the UI Coaching interface and it failed to build properly in an application I was using because the directory structure was not present in the search chain. In this case it was merging the room plan sample with the Metal Library sample from the Xcode template for ARKit
okay, I am still getting the error. Where do I find the prebuilt default metallic to put in the bundle where is it documented as being necessary? How does it get attached to the 'bundle" at build time?
I am still getting the error but on the latest Mac and IOS 17.0. I get a message.
"Could not locate file '.' in bundle.
Class for component already registered
Registering library () that already exists in shader manager. Library will be overwritten."
If your products output USDZ and you want to support them properly, you should probably add that file type to the supported ones for your file transfers
Please withdraw this comment. I missed some salient information in another area of documentation because of the linkages to the descriptions. It is covered in the ARGeometryElement document somewhat
I suppose in a 3D environment, it would not be a Polygon but a Polyhedron. And Corners would really be "Vertices" in a 2D environment
No Ceiling there, much more variation to ceilings on the interior of a building. We have implemented our own ceiling class that has numerous child and attributes associated.
What about the intrinsic limitations on distance for the LiDAR used in the iPhone/IPad? It is not very useful for any outdoor capture at a distance. When will the LiDAR use tunable LEDs so we can use a Green beam?
Look at the USDZ Specifications for information for most of the data. The problem there is that there is data carried in the file the is proprietary to Apple and only the Apple sanctioned apps seem to be able to process it. Am I correct?
That would be in the Room Plan sample, sorry
Now I am hitting the lack of a "View Controller" Entry point because there is not a view controller in the file set for this application I wonder why two key elements would e missing from the sample application code files for this demo package. The application sample as released is not ready for prime time yett an how much more of my time will be spent running into issues like this? There is nothing in the readme file that indicates we should expect such stumbling blocks
Franklan I finally got mine to work. I went into XCODE and Under the Files/NEW Tab created a NEW dummy Storyboard file called "MAIN" which after rebuilding my app it worked. The results were startling but I got something that showed progress. Good Luck when you try it