We've fixed this issue with converting our dynamic frameworks to Swift Package Manager and also use SPM versions of CocoaPods library that support SPM. It is actually about dynamic_linking and static_linking issue that reaches limit of new linker ld_prime. As a result, we are statically linked our frameworks and issue is fixed. Hope it is helpfull for others.
Sorry for missing word;
We've enabled mergeable library but "not" solved error
Our executable Mach-O file size is about 420 MB for ARM64 architecture. Is this a limit for new -ld_prime?
We're building successfully with Xcode 14.3.1.
Additionally Xcode 15.0 is successful for simulator builds. Any iOS Device (arm64) or real device builds are failing with that error.
There is an entry on stackoverflow about flutter app, but mine is not a flutter app.
About questions;
How can i measure Mach-O
Enabled mergeable library but worked for error
no_branch_islands is not modified, it is disabled.