




Notarize Electron app Team is not configured for notarization issue
{ "logFormatVersion": 1, "status": "Rejected", "statusSummary": "Team is not yet configured for notarization. Please contact Developer Programs Support at under the topic Development and Technical / Other Development or Technical Questions.", "statusCode": 7000, "ticketContents": null, "issues": null } I've tried notarizing my electron app but I get this error all the time. I've contacted Apple Developer Technical Team but I've been redirected to Developer Programs Support. I've asked them to approve the Team for notarization and they've redirected me back to Technical Team and said that the Team is not approved for notarization, which I know already from the logs error. I've watched every topic related to this Team is not yet configured for notarization issue, like : But it didn't helped much, because I suppose it's something that the Developer Programs Support needs to approve. My Team seems configured in App Connect, everything seems to be in place, I've accepted all the agreements, don't know what else to accept or do for Team to be approved, I didn't receive next steps from the Apple Developer Program Support Team. It's been 2 months since I'm trying to notarize and the deadline is coming, so please if anybody can help out to fix this. Thank you
Sep ’23