




Showing .subscriptionPromotionalOffer() does not render any available offers if user already subscribed
Hi, I working with the new .subscriptionPromotionalOffer() modifier of SubscriptionStoreView, with the goal of presenting available promotional offers to users that have or have not yet subscribed to one of my subscriptions. In the former case, the promotional offers are rendered correctly along with the relevant subscription plan. But in the latter, if the user has already subscribed to the subscription, the promotional offers are not rendered at all, and the UI displays a grayed out "Current Plan" button. I expect the user to be able to enjoy this promotional offer, even it he's subscribed to the plan and he hasn't been offered the offer before. Why is it not showing for this user? Should not existing promotional offers be available to existing subscribers? struct SubscriptionsView: View { var subscriptions: [String] var offerId: String? var body: some View { SubscriptionStoreView(productIDs: subscriptions) { // UI content } .subscriptionPromotionalOffer( offer: { product, subscriptionInfo in return subscriptionInfo.promotionalOffers.first(where: { $ == offerId }) }, signature: { product, subscriptionInfo, promotionalOffer in return try await store.getSignature(product: product,subscriptionInfo: subscriptionInfo, promotionalOffer: promotionalOffer ) }) } }
Aug ’24