




Reply to 自签名证书到期对SDK的影响
The impact of self-signed certificate expiration on the SDK. We have developed an SDK and signed it with a self-signed certificate. Our certificate will expire on January 30, 2025. After it expires, will there be any impact on apps that are already published on the App Store? If a user opens the app on January 31, 2025, will the app crash due to the expired self-signed certificate? Many apps have integrated our SDK, and this issue is very urgent and important for us. We kindly ask for your prompt reply. Thank you! Here are the steps we followed for signing: Self-signing steps: self-signed certificate xcframework Keychain creation: Certificate Assistant - Create Certificate - Self-signed Root Certificate + Code Signing Modify trust settings for the self-signed root certificate Sign the already packaged xcframework (Official command example) codesign --timestamp -v --sign "Certificate Name" ~/Desktop/MySDK.xcframework