




watchOS app fails to launch after Xcode 14 merges App & Extension targets
New in Xcode 14, Xcode will attempt (with your permission) to merge your watchOS targets into a single target. Since the beginning, watchOS apps always had an App Target and an Extension Target. I believe this is from legacy watchOS 1 where the code would run on the iPhone but the assets would run off the watch. Anyway, in Xcode 14, there is now a way to combine these into a single target. In Xcode 14 Beta 3, I attempted to let Xcode 14 do this migration for me to the single-target and while no issues happened, my app on watchOS now fails to launch. It points to a crash on @main on my ExtensionDelegate class. There isn't much in the debugger other than: Couldn't instantiate class _TtC30PDX_Transit_WatchKit_Extension23MainInterfaceController Any ideas of where I can begin with this?
Jul ’22
watchKit Localization - Only localizing Storyboard strings; ignores NSLocalizedString strings
My watchKit app seems to only want to localize Interface.storyboard strings properly depending on the language. When I run the app, any localization strings I have for the UI elements in the storyboard follow the language the watch is set to. This is now the case for the strings in my code. It keeps choosing my "es" (Spanish) language localizations whether the watch is in English or Spanish.I can assure you right now that my Spanish strings are in the Localizable.strings file that is checkmarked to Spanish. Any ideas what could be happening here?Thanks!
Jul ’16