our Capacitor app crashes on various iOS devices. The error only says "EXC_BREAKPOINT (5) Application temrinated". I have the crash log, but I don't where to start looking as I am not an iOS engineer.
I would really appreciate any kind of guidance! Thank you!
( I have attached the whole crash log as a text file )
Incident Identifier: 05C54DBD-116C-4A56-96B7-64D542C6AEA0
CrashReporter Key: c506758aea4416dffa8110fc9a28e9ef3eaefd33
Hardware Model: iPhone10,4
Process: App [13014]
Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/A2B2456A-70C0-497B-8399-B5C5C79E16DD/App.app/App
Identifier: com.classiccard.app
Version: 9 (6.1.2)
Code Type: ARM-64
Parent Process: ? [1]
Date/Time: 2023-02-24 15:38:16.665 +0100
OS Version: iOS 16.3 (20D47)
Report Version: 104
Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (5)
Exception Codes: 0x00000000 at 0x00000001cb38aed0
Crashed Thread: 8
Thread 0:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001fddf8114 mach_msg2_trap + 8
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001fde09c1c mach_msg_overwrite + 384
2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001fddf8608 mach_msg + 20
3 CoreFoundation 0x00000001c4509f88 0x1c4494000 + 483208
4 CoreFoundation 0x00000001c450b138 0x1c4494000 + 487736
5 CoreFoundation 0x00000001c450fb48 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 584
6 GraphicsServices 0x00000001fa88b984 GSEventRunModal + 160
7 UIKitCore 0x00000001c68ba638 0x1c6545000 + 3626552
8 UIKitCore 0x00000001c68ba2b0 UIApplicationMain + 312
9 App 0x0000000104ced214 0x104ce8000 + 21012
10 (null) 0x00000001e1299df0 0x0 + 8072568304
Thread 8 Crashed:
0 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001cb38aed0 0x1cb350000 + 241360
1 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001cb38ae5c 0x1cb350000 + 241244
2 UIKitCore 0x00000001c660fbc0 0x1c6545000 + 830400
3 UIKitCore 0x00000001c65a8484 0x1c6545000 + 406660
4 UIKitCore 0x00000001c657a6b0 0x1c6545000 + 218800
5 UIKitCore 0x00000001c657a324 0x1c6545000 + 217892
6 UIKitCore 0x00000001c657a274 0x1c6545000 + 217716
7 UIKitCore 0x00000001c6549328 0x1c6545000 + 17192
8 QuartzCore 0x00000001c5a651d0 0x1c5a5c000 + 37328
9 UIKitCore 0x00000001c660db90 0x1c6545000 + 822160
10 UIKitCore 0x00000001c66f45b8 0x1c6545000 + 1766840
11 UIKitCore 0x00000001c66f4534 0x1c6545000 + 1766708
12 LinkPresentation 0x00000001dd59f514 0x1dd505000 + 632084
13 LinkPresentation 0x00000001dd59eff4 0x1dd505000 + 630772
14 LinkPresentation 0x00000001dd51f42c 0x1dd505000 + 107564
15 LinkPresentation 0x00000001dd5130fc 0x1dd505000 + 57596
16 LinkPresentation 0x00000001dd512480 0x1dd505000 + 54400
17 LinkPresentation 0x00000001dd50c4d8 0x1dd505000 + 29912
18 LinkPresentation 0x00000001dd508cb0 0x1dd505000 + 15536
19 LinkPresentation 0x00000001dd508b0c 0x1dd505000 + 15116
20 UIKitCore 0x00000001c6549328 0x1c6545000 + 17192
21 QuartzCore 0x00000001c5a651d0 0x1c5a5c000 + 37328
22 UIKitCore 0x00000001c660db90 0x1c6545000 + 822160
23 ChatKit 0x00000001ce77bb8c 0x1ce3f1000 + 3713932
24 ChatKit 0x00000001ce7feee8 0x1ce3f1000 + 4251368
25 ChatKit 0x00000001ce7d0aac 0x1ce3f1000 + 4061868
26 ChatKit 0x00000001ce4d45c4 0x1ce3f1000 + 931268
27 Foundation 0x00000001be97c124 0x1be8df000 + 643364
28 Foundation 0x00000001be952e2c 0x1be8df000 + 474668
29 Foundation 0x00000001be952dc0 0x1be8df000 + 474560
30 Foundation 0x00000001be917c30 0x1be8df000 + 232496
31 Foundation 0x00000001be91797c 0x1be8df000 + 231804
32 Foundation 0x00000001be91caa0 0x1be8df000 + 252576
33 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001cb396738 0x1cb350000 + 288568
34 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001cb3b47c8 0x1cb350000 + 411592
35 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001cb38be28 0x1cb350000 + 245288
36 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001cb38b560 0x1cb350000 + 243040
37 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001cb398d48 0x1cb350000 + 298312
38 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001cb399514 0x1cb350000 + 300308
39 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000020cf08b14 _pthread_wqthread + 224
Thread 8 crashed with ARM-64 Thread State
"stack@0x16b5fbaa8": {
"address": 10801868032,
"type": "string",
"value": "BUG IN CLIENT OF LIBDISPATCH: Assertion failed: Block was expected to execute on queue [com.apple.main-thread (0x21fbba640)]"
"stack@0x16b5fbac0": {
"address": 10801868032,
"type": "string",
"value": "BUG IN CLIENT OF LIBDISPATCH: Assertion failed: Block was expected to execute on queue [com.apple.main-thread (0x21fbba640)]"
"stack@0x16b5fbad0": {
"address": 7704742226,
"type": "string",
"value": "com.apple.main-thread"
"stack@0x16b5fbae8": {
"address": 10801868032,
"type": "string",
"value": "BUG IN CLIENT OF LIBDISPATCH: Assertion failed: Block was expected to execute on queue [com.apple.main-thread (0x21fbba640)]"
"x19": {
"address": 10801868032,
"type": "string",
"value": "BUG IN CLIENT OF LIBDISPATCH: Assertion failed: Block was expected to execute on queue [com.apple.main-thread (0x21fbba640)]"
Application Stats:
"active_time_since_last_crash": 1451.71,
"active_time_since_launch": 1084.57,
"application_active": true,
"application_in_foreground": true,
"background_time_since_last_crash": 982.442,
"background_time_since_launch": 941.909,
"launches_since_last_crash": 4,
"sessions_since_last_crash": 11,
"sessions_since_launch": 6