Hi! I'm new to Apple developing. Could anyone please tell me how to configure a quick look for my document? Also, how to print my document? Thanks🙏
I'm tired of opening up safari to open developer.apple.com so I'm trying to embed the website into an app, but sth is definitely wrong. It's been loading for ten mins and is still white. here's the code
import SwiftUI
import WebKit
import UIKit
struct WebViewPage : UIViewRepresentable {
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> WKWebView {
return WKWebView()
func updateUIView(_ uiView: WKWebView, context: Context) {
let req = URLRequest(url: URL(string:"developer.apple.com")!)
struct WebViewPage_Previews : PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
app delegate:
import SwiftUI
struct Developer_WebpageApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
I know there should be a easy solution to this mess but I JUST CAN'T FIND IT AHHHHHHHHHH
cd ......
error: Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ColorLibrary-hakdntgphjogwuawcvuxomfrjzex/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ColorKit iOS.app/ColorKit iOS' (in target 'ColorKit iOS' from project 'ColorLibrary')
I'm trying to make an app that'll suggest a color based on a keyword the user inputs. I store prediction from the model to a [String: Double] array and then compute the output color. However, I'm stuck on two strange errors.
Here's my code:
extension Array where Element == [String: Double]{
func average() -> RGBList{
var returnValue = (r: 0, g: 0, b: 0)
var r = 0
var g = 0
var b = 0
for key in self{
r = Int(key[0].split(",")[0]) * key[1]
I have a big problem with an AI app. It's supposed to give me a color according to the text entered into a TextField. But every time it gives me the same output. I'm new in developing, and I know it must be a tiny bug but I just couldn't find out why.
Should I just ... paste all of my code here? I can't upload a .zip :(
I have a app that needs to have a "choose file" function and I used a button hooked up to a function using NSOpenPanel to do that. But after I tried to add a drag&drop action, it wont work anymore. I revert all my files to the version when the NSOpenPanel work, but it's still the same. I also tried to restart my computer, all the same. Here's my function:
private func selectFile() {
let openPanel = NSOpenPanel()
openPanel.canChooseDirectories = false
openPanel.allowsMultipleSelection = false
openPanel.begin { response in
if response == .OK {
self.url = openPanel.url
should I file a bug? should I reinstall xcode?
How can I store a struct in @AppStorage?
I've been trying
struct TodoItem: Codable, Hashable, Identifiable {
var id: UUID = UUID()
var name: String = "New Todo"
var description: String = "Description here..."
var done: Bool
@AppStorage("todo") var todo: [TodoItem] = [] // No exact matches in call to initializer
Any help is appreciated🙏🙏
I'm doing a app that needs a toolbar but it wont come out:
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem {
Button {
} label: {
Image(systemName: "plus")
I'm using SwiftUI on Mac Catalyst:
struct TodoApp: App {
@StateObject private var eventData = TodoData()
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
#if os(macOS)
I'm trying to follow the Date Planner tutorial and the symbol picker went really weird.
I changed sth, and the whole app stoped working
I changed it back, it still wont work.
SymbolPicker code:
struct PickerView: View {
@State var item: TodoItem
@State private var showingPopover: Bool = false
var columns = Array(repeating: GridItem(.flexible()), count: 6)
var body: some View {
LazyVGrid(columns: columns){
ForEach(SymbolOptions.symbolNames, id: \.self){ symbol in
Button {
item.symbol = symbol
} label: {
Image(systemName: symbol).foregroundColor(item.color)
How can i write an About page in swiftUI about my app? I cant find any documentation on it
I can now how define part of the about page but how about the whole?
better in swiftUI
Still about appstorage
Can a store a @StateObject in @AppStorage?
I can't do this:
@AppStorage("Data") // No exact matches in call to initializer
@StateObject private var Data = TodoData()
I want to include a button that could export some data but I'm stuck:
I want a NSSavePanel open up and when I choose the pass and click save the JSON file will appear but it didn't.
Button {
let export = exportToJSON(toExported(data.data))
let openPanel = NSSavePanel()
openPanel.message = "Choose the exported path:"
openPanel.begin { response in
if response == .OK {
url = openPanel.url!
let fileManager = FileManager()
let success = fileManager.createFile(atPath: "\(url)", contents: export)
} label: {
Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.down")
I add searchable to my SwiftUI List
But the search TextField isn't showing
Here's my code
NavigationView {
List(searchResults, id: \.self) { item in
NavigationLink {
LegendDetailView(item: item)
} label: {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "chevron.right").imageScale(.small)
}.searchable(text: $searchText)