




voip call disconnects active native cellular call in ios 13
We have implemented Voip call in our app and it is working perfectly in all cases, but in one case it is failing.- If there is active cellular call in device, and Voip call comes in our app, then as per new guidelines for pushkit, we have to show incoming call screen for voip call immediately, if we do so then it terminates active cellular call and also our voip call was not activated.- If we do same for facetime or whatsapp, then it is wokring fine and showing incoming call with hold and accept and decline options, which means our app should also behave same.- For same scenario, if iOS version is 12 or below, it is working fine. It is failing in iOS 13 only.- If our voip can't start then its fine but it should not disconnect cellular call, if we do not try to show incoming voip call then it will crash our app with message like "Killing appbecause it never posted an incoming call to the system after receiving a PushKit VoIP callback"- It another call is not native like if its whatsapp audio call or facetime call then also it showing incoming call of our voip call with proper behaviour, it is just failing in iOS 13 native cellular call.Any help to manage this will be helpful.Thanks.
Sep ’19