




Reply to NavigationSplitView hide sidebar toggle button
I found out that using canCollapseFromWindowResize with canCollapse did the trick and you cannot hide the sidebar anymore by dragging it on macOS. .introspect(.navigationSplitView, on: .macOS(.v13,.v14,.v15)) { splitview in if let delegate = splitview.delegate as? NSSplitViewController { delegate.splitViewItems.first?.canCollapse = false delegate.splitViewItems.first?.canCollapseFromWindowResize = false } } But I agree it's a shame that options/features that they are clearly using in many of their apps are somehow still not available in SwiftUI. All the thanks to swiftui-introspect developers for making possible to overcome Apple's dumb mistakes.
Nov ’24
Reply to iOS 17 Beta Breaks activityBackgroundTint(_:) on Live Activities
I also had problem making this work, even colorsScheme enviroment didn't work. Now I found out that it works but only of Live activity view is in separate variable. If everything is defined right inside Widget it desn't seems to work: struct MyLiveActivity: Widget { var body: some WidgetConfiguration { ActivityConfiguration(for: MyActivityAttributes.self) { context in @Environment(\.isLuminanceReduced) var isLuminanceReduced @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme VStack { Text("\(isLuminanceReduced) \(colorScheme)") // always default values (false, light) } .activityBackgroundTint(colorScheme == .dark ? : Color.white) // always white } dynamicIsland: { context in DynamicIsland { When it is in separate view, enviroments are working as intended: struct MyLiveActivity: Widget { var body: some WidgetConfiguration { ActivityConfiguration(for: MyActivityAttributes.self) { context in MyActivityLiveView(context: context) @Environment(\.isLuminanceReduced) var isLuminanceReduced @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme VStack { Text("\(isLuminanceReduced) \(colorScheme)") // always default values (false, light) } .activityBackgroundTint(colorScheme == .dark ? : Color.white) // always white } dynamicIsland: { context in DynamicIsland { struct MyActivityLiveView: View { @Environment(\.isLuminanceReduced) var isLuminanceReduced @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme var context: ActivityViewContext<VirtualTableActivityAttributes> var body: some View { VStack { Text("\(isLuminanceReduced) \(colorScheme)") // actual values (true, dark) } .activityBackgroundTint(colorScheme == .dark ? : Color.white) // colors are changeing, when changing from light to dark mode } } .activityBackgroundTint(nil) still unfortunately make it only white and black but now you can you can at least customise it. This is closest I got to match notification background / ios 16 default: .activityBackgroundTint(colorScheme == .dark ? Color(Color.systemBackground.resolve(in: environment)).opacity(0.43) : Color(Color.systemBackground.resolve(in: environment)).opacity(0.43)) Color.systemBackground is just an UIColor: extension Color { // MARK: - Background Colors static let systemBackground = Color(UIColor.systemBackground) } This Color extension is from this answer:
Jun ’24