So I have a similiar issue as this SO post: suggested if its a public place, mapkit should detect its title, but that doesn't happen.Basically, no matter what coordinates I pass in, even something like a local starbucks destination it shows up as "Unknown Location." I'm not sure which data source we are using for the coordinates, perhaps its slightly different than what Yelp uses? But it seems odd that nothing shows up.@IBOutlet var map: WKInterfaceMap!
let mapSpan = MKCoordinateSpanMake (WatchConstant.WATCH_DETAILS_MAP_ZOOM_LEVEL, WatchConstant.WATCH_DETAILS_MAP_ZOOM_LEVEL)
let mapLocation = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(coordinates.latitude, coordinates.longitude)
let region = MKCoordinateRegionMake(mapLocation, mapSpan)
map.addAnnotation(mapLocation, withPinColor: .Red)1: Is this a bug that needs to be reported? Can I write my code any differently to fix this and better grab data from MapKit / Yelp?2: Any word on if apple will update this API to support custom strings for location title? (like a family member's name for their home address)