Hi @meaton,
I was able to to capture below system log from one of the system where this crash was observed. But the same logs were not coming on other setups. Can you please check if you can conculde anything from this?
2023-09-08 15:53:45.945148+0530 0x5c2c55 Fault 0x803806 74546 14 com.mycompany.client.mycompany-Client.productui.productpkttunnel: (Network) [com.apple.network:] nw_hash_table_release_all_objects called with invalid hash table
2023-09-08 15:53:45.945152+0530 0x5c2c55 Activity 0x803806 74546 0 com.mycompany.client.mycompany-Client.productui.productpkttunnel: (libsystem_trace.dylib) Activity for state dumps
2023-09-08 15:53:45.952315+0530 0xe99 Error 0x0 410 0 com.apple.ifdreader: [com.apple.CryptoTokenKit:ccid] Failed to find AppleUSBAlternateServiceRegistryID.
2023-09-08 15:53:45.953383+0530 0xe99 Error 0x0 410 0 com.apple.ifdreader: [com.apple.CryptoTokenKit:ccid] Failed to find AppleUSBAlternateServiceRegistryID.
2023-09-08 15:53:45.954154+0530 0x5cd11f Default 0x0 0 0 kernel: arm64e_plugin_host: running binary "bash" in keys-off mode due to identity: com.apple.bash
2023-09-08 15:53:45.960683+0530 0x5c2c55 Error 0x0 74546 0 com.mycompany.client.mycompany-Client.productui.productpkttunnel: (Network) [com.apple.network:] nw_hash_table_release_all_objects called with invalid hash table, dumping backtrace:
[arm64] libnetcore-3100.140.3
0 Network 0x00000001a2a83564 __nw_create_backtrace_string + 192
1 Network 0x00000001a2c78b84 nw_hash_table_release_all_objects + 1164
2 Network 0x00000001a261f8a0 -[NWConcrete_nw_endpoint dealloc] + 500
3 Network 0x00000001a2d546e4 -[NWOSAddressEndpoint dealloc] + 76
4 Network 0x00000001a2b22688 nw_array_dispose + 440
5 Network 0x00000001a280d12c -[OS_nw_array dealloc] + 28
6 Network 0x00000001a2ceeb7c -[NWConcrete_nw_path .cxx_destruct] + 92
7 libobjc.A.dylib 0x000000019bcc840c _ZL27object_cxxDestructFromClassP11objc_objectP10objc_class + 116
8 libobjc.A.dylib 0x000000019bcbfe88 objc_destructInstance + 80
9 libobjc.A.dylib <…>
full log
Thanks Matt and Eskimo for looking into this. I am attaching the full crash report.
Please advice if you find anything usual in the report. Thanks.
Please change the file extension from '.log' to '.ips'. ie:
com.mycompanyclient.MyCompany-Client.productui.Productpkttunnel-2023-08-18-200444_2 copy.log -> com.mycompanyclient.MyCompany-Client.productui.Productpkttunnel-2023-08-18-200444_2 copy.ips
com.mycompanyclient.MyCompany-Client.productui.Productpkttunnel-2023-08-18-200444_2 copy.log