Now can anyone please explain how to disable the Metal API Validation?
I tried switching this to "Disabled" or "OpenGL ES"
Cleaned the Build folder, built again.
But I am still getting the same error.
So it seems the ObjectCaptureSession is not available on the simulator, so you need to attach a device that has LiDAR and runs iOS 17 to get rid of this issue.
I fixed this by running startSession outside the body.
That was causing the issue.
@MainActor func startSession() {
guard #available(iOS 17.0, *) else { return }
do {
let session = ObjectCaptureSession()
var configuration = ObjectCaptureSession.Configuration()
configuration.checkpointDirectory = getDocumentsDir().appendingPathComponent("Snapshots/")
try session.start(imagesDirectory: getDocumentsDir().appendingPathComponent("Images/"), configuration: configuration)
self.session = session
} catch {
sessionError = error
Also added:
.onAppear {
.environment(\.colorScheme, .dark)
Here is the final part of the code inside the ZStack
if let session = session {
ObjectCaptureView(session: session)
if case .ready = session.state {
Button(action: {
}) {
} else if case .detecting = session.state {
Button(action: {
}) {
Text("Start Capture")
} else if let error = sessionError {
Text("Failed to start ObjectCaptureSession: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
As you can see I changed the CreateButton part because it was also not defined in the video.
So I went back to the old way of creating buttons.
Hope this helps you move fwd
This was fixed by attaching a device with iOS 17
In my case it's an iPad with Lidar and iOS 17 installed.
I read on a different comment that ObjectCaptureSession is not available on the simulator.
It hasn't been published yet, just wait a few days.
They are working hard on this.
Hello! ObjectCaptureSession and ObjectCaptureView are NOT available on simulators yet.
You need a real device attached to xCode to get rid of this error.
I understand that the sample code is not yet available.
Thank you in advance.