the documentation says that an application bundle for Mac OS X can have a Frameworks folder within Contents. Using a framework for console applications (no bundle) and GUI applications (bundle), I cannot load the console applications anymore on Ventura.
Prior to Ventora I have tested and ran both on Mojave or earlier - I am not sure.
To fix the issue, I have moved the frameworks within the application bundle to match the rpath for /Users/lothar/Library/Frameworks when I place the console into /Users/lothar/bin, the same rpath for application bundles works for those within the bin folder.
Can I publish an application bundle with that modified layout or do I have to expect getting problems and do rather a Symlink pointing from /Users/lothar/Frameworks to /Users/lothar/Library/Frameworks?
Thanks, Lothar
I am totally unaware of the new notarize mechanism and generally starting to sign my application after having ported it to M2.
I want to distribute the app without App Store - yet.
My application is an open source tool or better a more complex tool for the software development that contains dylibs and frameworks all within an app bundle.
I am using wxWidgets and stumbled upon the build process using install_name_tool temporary for each bundle and probably all libraries that I place into the application bundle to have an @executable_path and not an absolute path.
That works so far, but the notarize tool or better checking it with spctl rejects it.
A further test with spctl --assess or the like, I have the command lost, shows that are resources missing and I have a hint to use @rpath entries to be added.
I am using makefiles and a custom make system where I build up the make commands for each target. I won't modify the rules for each target type, if I could do this in a post build step for all the contents of the app bundle.
I have therefore a shell script that handles that additional task yet until code signing and it looks like as follows:
# Copies together files for the Mac OS X application bundle and created a disk image
export prefix=$1
export VERSION=1.3.4
cp ../../../Database/*.sql wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources
cp splash.png wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources
mkdir wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/XSLT
cp -R ../../../AppDevelopmentDemo/DynamicApp/XSLT_Templates/include wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/XSLT/include
cp -R ../../../AppDevelopmentDemo/DynamicApp/XSLT_Templates/DMFToXMI wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/XSLT/DMFToXMI
cp -R ../../../AppDevelopmentDemo/DynamicApp/XSLT_Templates/XMIToDMF wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/XSLT/XMIToDMF
cp -R ../../../AppDevelopmentDemo/DynamicApp/XSLT_Templates/lbDMFDataViewModel wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/XSLT/lbDMFDataViewModel
cp -R ../../../AppDevelopmentDemo/DynamicApp/XSLT_Templates/lbDMFFixedFormular wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/XSLT/lbDMFFixedFormular
cp -R ../../../AppDevelopmentDemo/DynamicApp/XSLT_Templates/TurboVision wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/XSLT/TurboVision
cp -R ../../../AppDevelopmentDemo/DynamicApp/XSLT_Templates/wxActiveRecords wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/XSLT/wxActiveRecords
cp -R ../../../AppDevelopmentDemo/DynamicApp/XSLT_Templates/wxLua wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/XSLT/wxLua
cp ../../../AppDevelopmentDemo/DynamicApp/XSLT_Templates/include/XMISettingsTemplate.xsl wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/XSLT/XMIToDMF/XMISettings.xsl
cp -R ../../../AppDevelopmentDemo/DynamicApp/UMLSamples wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources
mkdir wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/toolbarimages
# UGLY! Using environment that also is properly defined while jenkins build is better
cp -R $prefix/lib wxWrapper.app/Contents
cp -R $prefix/plugins wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources
# How to access them?
cp toolbarimages/*.xpm wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/toolbarimages
cp toolbarimages/*.png wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/toolbarimages
#cp -R `wx-config --prefix`/lib/lib`wx-config --basename`-`wx-config --release`.0.6.0.dylib wxWrapper.app/Contents/lib
#cp -R `wx-config --prefix`/lib/lib`wx-config --basename`-`wx-config --release`.0.dylib wxWrapper.app/Contents/lib
cp -R `wx-config --prefix`/lib/lib`wx-config --basename`-`wx-config --release`.*.dylib wxWrapper.app/Contents/lib
cp -R `wx-config --prefix`/lib/lib`wx-config --basename`-`wx-config --release`.dylib wxWrapper.app/Contents/lib
cp Info.plist wxWrapper.app/Contents
codesign -f -v -s "Lothar Behrens" wxWrapper.app/Contents/Frameworks/lbHook.framework/Versions/A/lbHook
codesign -f -v -s "Lothar Behrens" wxWrapper.app/Contents/Frameworks/wxJson.framework/Versions/A/wxJson
codesign -f -v -s "Lothar Behrens" wxWrapper.app/Contents/Frameworks/wxWrapperDLL.framework/Versions/A/wxWrapperDLL
codesign -f -v -s "Lothar Behrens" wxWrapper.app/Contents/lib/*
codesign -f -v -s "Lothar Behrens" wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/*
xattr -cr wxWrapper.app
codesign -f -v -s "Lothar Behrens" wxWrapper.app/Contents/MacOS/wxWrapper
#codesign -dvv wxWrapper.app
codesign -f -v -s "Lothar Behrens" wxWrapper.app
#spctl -a -t exec -vvvv wxWrapper.app
#codesign -dvv wxWrapper.app
#codesign -vv --deep-verify wxWrapper.app
# Creating a new diskimage
hdiutil create -ov -size 200m -volname lbDMF-$VERSION lbDMF-$VERSION-`uname -p`.dmg -fs HFS+
sleep 5
hdiutil attach lbDMF-$VERSION-`uname -p`.dmg
# Copy stuff
#mkdir /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION/`uname -p`
#cp -R wxWrapper.app /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION/`uname -p`
cp -R wxWrapper.app /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION
mkdir /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION/toolbarimages
cp toolbarimages/*.xpm /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION/toolbarimages
cp toolbarimages/*.png /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION/toolbarimages
cp ../../../COPYING /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION
cp ../../../license-bindist.txt /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION
cp ../../../AppDevelopmentDemo/DynamicApp/Doc/ApplicationprototypingDokumentation.pdf /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION/
# Copying templates to an accessable place
cp -R wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/XSLT /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION/
cp -R wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/UMLSamples /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION/
mkdir /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION/.lbDMF
cp -R wxWrapper.app/Contents/Resources/*.sql /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION/.lbDMF
cat <<EOF >> /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION/Readme.txt
Dear Mac user!
Lothar Behrens
rm -rf `find /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION -name CVS -print`
hdiutil detach /Volumes/lbDMF-$VERSION
rm lbDMF-$VERSION lbDMF-$VERSION-`uname -p`.dmg.zip
zip lbDMF.dmg.zip lbDMF-$VERSION lbDMF-$VERSION-`uname -p`.dmg
mv lbDMF.dmg.zip lbDMF-$VERSION-`uname -p`.dmg.zip
Testing the app bundle shows this:
spctl --assess -vvvvv --type execute wxWrapper.app
wxWrapper.app: rejected
origin=Apple Development: Lothar Behrens (********)
I need some help where to insert a proper notary tool command and a proper check before uploading that I can see, if I could do so.
Despite that I haven't had an active developer ID, I have that now and need to setup the Developer ID Distribution certificate into the keychain.
So I plan to add the @rpath values per framework/dylib/so as additional commands into the shell script above.
But how can I best verify for successful usage of notary tool?
Any help?