




Clarification Needed: Background App Refresh Interval
Hi,We are developing a React Native iOS app that uses Background App Refresh to fetch data from server. We use a library called react-native-background-fetch. The readme of this library said that it's impossible to schedule a background task rate to less than every 15 minutes.Because this library implements Background App Refresh and requires "Background Fetch" for Background Modes, I also checked the iOS documentations for background execution. What I have found in the explanation for setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval: is that, it says "This value is advisory only and does not indicate the exact amount of time expected between fetch operations." and no notes are provided for UIApplicationBackgroundFetchIntervalMinimum.We have also searched some of the questions on Stack Overflow and have got some ideas, but I would still prefer an authoritative answers from iOS engineers from Apple. So my questions are:In the documentation, for setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval:, there is no indications for something like a range of interval that we can expect. We are experiencing the background app refreshes as frequent as around 15 minutes to more to 6 hours. Is this the normal expected behavior and is there a range of interval that we can expect?Any suggestions on what can we do in the app to "tell" the iOS system to schedule as many background app refresh fetches operations as possible?It would be great if we can have an official clarification and suggestions on this topic and we really appreciate your help.Thanks,Ryan
Jun ’18