




how to use the cache of GATT datatbase in IOS
Here I have an requirement that ios ble app may not repeatedly does service and characterice discovery process if that the gatt database in the peer device is not changed. To use the cache in the ios could fast the operation on peer device. And it said to use the cache of gatt database in IOS needs the condition which IOS and ble device need to be paired firstly. However my ios app does not need to be paired. who could tell how to do with it ?
May ’22
Retrieving a List of Known BLE Peripherals
Dear I want to ask the functionality of below function API: knownPeripherals = [myCentralManager retrievePeripheralsWithIdentifiers:savedIdentifiers to consider the following case: if A peer BLE device had been connected and all the services and characteristics had been discovered and read. and saved this peripherals object with the NSobject Identity. and then IOS disconnected with this peer BLE device. after a few hours or days or minutes, if call retrievePeripheralsWithIdentifiers can retrive the Peripherals object, does it mean that all the services uuid and characteristics attribute are available from the cached as well? just connect to the ble device identified by this peripherals object, no need to find services and characteristics for second time.
May ’22