According to their Slack Q&A this will not work as the current Photogrammetry Session for turntables. If you want to use tripod and turntables you can continue using the current method. The new method is designed for the user to move around the object.
that is exactly what we are doing using secondaryNativeResolutionZoomFactors but it's not working.
main config AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInWideAngleCamera 1.0 189.0
sub config AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInWideAngleCamera 2.0 2.0
Do you have a short example that you have working?
this was just answered for me during the Apple Object Capture developer session so I'll post it here for everyone to see:
The API accepts images with CVPixelBuffer with format kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA and kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB.
So if you can load the images and convert to the required format, then the engine should be abe to process.
see and
would also love to know. the bounding box itself can be done via but we would like to know how we can pass this to the Photogrammetry Session.
they come with the download of "Creating A Photogrammetry CommandLine App" and are 36 images of a rock.
I would be curious to find out why this setting was removed from the API? The overlap setting is quite a common setting in other photogrammetry software out there. does RealityKit now auto detect and adjust accordingly if the overlap doesn't meet a certain requirement ?
you can access the files in your local file system. In the File app go on your Ipad, then CaptureSample, Capture. This directory includes all your captured projects
you can brighten the texture itself in any photo editing software. chances are if the texture is too dark that your source images are also underexposed. you can use an external LED lighting setup to help with that.
Compatible Macs:
Any Apple Silicon Mac
Intel Mac with 16GB of RAM + AMD Graphics Card with 4GB VRAM
I have compiled that one already. I am talking about the GUI they were showing during the session.