I have filled a Feedback for this: FB9174122
I have filled a Feedback for this: FB9174122
Feedback filled: FB9197822
yes, I do. Have you been able to come with a solution/workaround? Do you put any URLs in the userInfo dict? the last post on this thread might be a hint: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/649578
A few more findings after debugging this a couple of more times:
Not using NSUserActivity provided by UIDocument (documents located in iCloud provide those) but creating our own with all the properties being set the same makes indeed QuickNote to show the “Add Link” button. Is this a bug or feature?
Removing all URL types from userInfo dictionary of the NSUserActivity fixes the issue of missing userInfo dict (and other properties) on NSUserActivity in sceneDelegate's continue activity method after tapping the document link in QuickNote. But this breaks Handoff to other devices where we need the iCloud document URL.
I've just tried Pages and Numbers updated for iPadOS 15, Quick Note does NOT show "Add Link" button when local or iCloud document is opened. Seems even Apple does not support Quick Note for document-based apps.
Which version of macOS did you test it on? I'm running macOS Monterey and I'm not seeing the same behaviour you're describing -- both .global and .named returns the correct coordinates (y=0 is on the top).
Feedback: FB11339648
@eskymo This seems to be another Feedback describing the same issue and potentially providing more details: https://openradar.appspot.com/FB11356212
This seems to be fixed in iPadOS 16 beta 8.
This seems to be fixed in iPadOS 16 beta 8.
I run into the same issue, see: https://twitter.com/krajaac/status/1667089692301447168
Haven't found a workaround yet. Seems like the invalidation of the preview is seriously broken.
I think you need stable identifiers. Don't use UUID() but try to create them manually (e.g. based on name)
I'm also having this issue. In the app I'm working on, the PhotosPicker is contained .inline in a thin View wrapper without any additional UI and the wrapper View is presented as a sheet. I would really appreciate to have the default Cancel button working with our .sheet presentation. But it's not. Any hints how to do that?