I'm from Colombia, same problem, I have tried three different cards from two different banks and I have not been successful, when they communicate with support they respond with a generic email"I understand that you paid for your developer membership but have not heard anything since. I’m happy to help.
We have been unable to obtain payment for your recent Apple Developer purchase. Please contact your financial institution for more information.
If you cannot resolve the issue through your financial institution, you may place a new order using a different payment method. To prevent further issues:• Before placing the new order, notify your financial institution that you are expecting a charge from Apple and confirm that your billing information is accurate.If your new order is unsuccessful, you can also try submitting a new enrollment with a new Apple ID. If you want to try this option, please reply to this email, then wait for our response before resubmitting your enrollment.Thank you for your understanding."
I was finally able to make the payment, this is exactly what I did 1. I created a new Apple ID because with the first one after three payment attempts with different cards I get the message “We are unable to complete your order. There was an issue when we processed your order. Verify that your information is correct and try again. Duplicate order ” 2. I linked the New apple ID to a MAC and enabled two-factor authentication 3. I made the developer registration as an individual, using exactly the names and address as it appears on my bank statement using safari 4. I added the credit card that I am going to use for the Apple Developer Program as payment method for the Apple ID, that card accepts billing directly in USD 5. I made a purchase of the cheapest MAC application I found, from the app store using the Apple ID 6. Using safari, I made the payment of the Apple Developer Program, with the data of the credit card that I had previously registered with the Apple ID, for the name and address I used exactly what appears in my bank statement, not the name that appears written on the credit card which is an abbreviation of my real name, as in my country Colombia the postal codes are not fully implemented and they do not appear in the bank statement I wrote 000000 7. A day and a half after placing the order I received confirmation from my bank that the payment had been made and an apple mail with the Billing and Payment confirmation Hope this can help