Okay I've made some progress, to better understand the structure and the data that is stored within the keychain I tried debugPrinting out all the attributes within the identity, however it seems like only the kSecClassCertificate related attributes are present, and none of the kSecClassKey, even though I can retrieve the private key:
let query: [String: Any] = [kSecClass as String: kSecClassIdentity,
kSecMatchLimit as String: kSecMatchLimitAll,
kSecReturnAttributes as String: true,
kSecReturnRef as String: true,
var item: CFTypeRef?;
let status = SecItemCopyMatching(query as CFDictionary, &item);
let output = item as! [[String: Any]];
for entry in output
do {
debugPrint("Certificate attributes:");
let label = entry[kSecAttrLabel as String];
debugPrint("Label: ", label!);
let certType: CSSM_CERT_TYPE = entry[kSecAttrCertificateType as String] as! CSSM_CERT_TYPE;
debugPrint("Cert item type: ", certType);
let issuer = entry[kSecAttrIssuer as String];
debugPrint("Issuer: ", String(data: issuer! as! Data, encoding: .utf8)!);
let serialNumber = entry[kSecAttrSerialNumber as String];
debugPrint("Serial number: ", serialNumber!);
var cert: SecCertificate?;
SecIdentityCopyCertificate(entry[kSecValueRef as String] as! SecIdentity, &cert);
debugPrint("Certificate: ", cert!);
do {
debugPrint("Key attributes:");
let keyClass = entry[kSecAttrKeyClass as String];
debugPrint("Key class: ", keyClass);
let keyType = entry[kSecAttrKeyType as String];
debugPrint("Key type: ", keyType);
let applicationLabel = entry[kSecAttrApplicationLabel as String];
debugPrint("Application label: ", applicationLabel);
let applicationTag = entry[kSecAttrApplicationTag as String];
debugPrint("Application tag: ", applicationTag);
let sizeInBits = entry[kSecAttrKeySizeInBits as String];
debugPrint("Size in bits: ", sizeInBits);
let effectiveKeySize = entry[kSecAttrEffectiveKeySize as String];
debugPrint("Effective key size: ", effectiveKeySize);
var pkey: SecKey?;
SecIdentityCopyPrivateKey(entry[kSecValueRef as String] as! SecIdentity, &pkey);
debugPrint("Private key: ", pkey!);
[quote='814638022, DTS Engineer, /thread/768855?answerId=814638022#814638022']
If so, the SecItem API has a specific class for that, kSecClassIdentity. This works in terms of SecIdentity objects.
Ah, thank you, that's exactly what I was looking for.