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I find that /usr/bin/profiles renew -type enrollment executes successfully when run in Terminal but fails when invoked from a privileged helper tool installed using SMJobBless and AppleScript, which can not launch the "setup". Some error message as follow: 20:05:22.304125+0800 profiles CheckProfilesFetchRateLimit: checkTime = '<private>'; timer expired = NO 20:05:22.304147+0800 profiles CheckProfilesFetchRateLimit: Fetch operation happened too quickly - try again later 20:05:22.323395+0800 profiles [ERROR] [0:MCXToolsInterface] Assertion Failed. File: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/11aa8fb2-5f4b-11ee-bc7f-926038f30c31/Library/Caches/ 20:05:22.324533+0800 cfprefsd [0x147e0aae0] invalidated after getting a no-senders notification - client is gone 20:05:22.326390+0800 authtrampoline [0x15ae041a0] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 20:05:22.326415+0800 ocTest [0x600001327b10] invalidated on xpc_connection_cancel() 20:05:22.331935+0800 ocTest result: (null) error: { NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = ocTest; NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "Error: DEP enrollment failed: (null) ((null):0)"; NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "Error: DEP enrollment failed: (null) ((null):0)"; NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = 1; NSAppleScriptErrorRange = "NSRange: {0, 133}"; } In macOS 14, a full-screen experience is displayed instead of asking the user to enroll. Does this have any influence?
by kklu.
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