My team uses static libraries made with C and C++, which are distributed in the form of .a. Are you in the same situation?
Did you solve the problem?
My team uses static libraries made with C and C++, which are distributed in the form of .a. Are you in the same situation?
Did you solve the problem?
Did you solve it??
Thank you for your quick response.
By "app's", do you mean I can add PrivacyInfo to the app project??
I understand that open sources add PrivacyInfo to their library projects.
But should I simply add it to my app project??
@DTS Engineer
If there is nothing that meets the conditions, is it okay not to add it?
Did you find the answer you wanted?
Did you change the setting 'allowFileAccessFromFileURls' in the options after all??
@t04 @michaeld
Is PrivacyInfo finished if it's included in the library??
Is it not necessary to have a specific directory structure??