iOS 18.3.1 does not fix the PDFKit bug, either.
iOS 18.3 release version does not fix this bug, either!
Hi DTS Engineer,
great explanations and summary! Thanks a lot!
I would like to make you aware of bugs reported for PDFKit in iOS/iPadOS 18.x and macOS 15.x that are still not fixed, e.g. "PDFKit PDFPage.characterBounds(at:) returns incorrect coordinates iOS 18" (
Please, raise awareness within Apple for those bugs and the urgent needs to have them fixed!
Thank you, Klaus.
Hi, iOS 18.3. beta 3 does not fix the bug.
My further testing shows this is likely a PDFKit bug, not a lower-level Core Graphics bug. Tested with GCPDFScanner, resulting in the correct text and text-ordering on both iOS 17 and iOS 18. While PDFKit shows the bug on iOS 18.
Preview on macOS 15.2 shows issues, too.
If I use PSPDFKit's PDF Viewer on macOS 18.2 I get correct results.
How can I help any further to get these bugs fixed eventually!?
I realised that you can easily reproduce this exact same behaviour as described in FB16313297 (Page.string) and FB16313295 (Page.attributedString) by opening the provided sample .pdf file once on macOS 13 (or macOS 14) with Preview App, and copy the text from the PDF into a txt file, which results in a "correct" behaviour, and once on a macOS 15.x with Preview, which shows the "wrong" results, that is the words "A litte" show up way of the location in the text sequence from where it should be.
@soldat Could you please file a feedback to create more wareness for that destructive bug! You could reference my feedback, it has number FB14843671. Thanks!
iOS 18.2 beta 4 (22C5142a) still does not fix the issue.
I have solved the issue by changing the view hierarchy within the NavSplitView-DetailView: moved a supporting view further down the view hierarchy. This removed the need to update a Binding between the primary view (in DetailView) and the supporting view. Without the Binding the issue does not happen.
iOS 18.2 beta 3 does not fix it, either.
Thank you for the confirmation that my findings are registered and investigated as an actual bug. I will keep testing and reporting.
BTW, I have this slowness problem only on an Intel i7 iMac. It works fine on an M1 MacBook, even with both simulator platforms installed (14.3.1 built-in and 15 RC downloaded).
I had the same problem - a very slow simulator, launching an app took minutes.
I guess the reason has been a conflict between Xcode 14.3.1 and Xcode 15 RC on the same machine with two different iOS 16 simulator platforms installed. The one has been the built-in iOS 16 simulator that comes with Xcode 14.3.1. The other has been a downloaded iOS 16 simulator platform on Xcode 15 RC.
As soon as I deleted the downloaded iOS 16 platform in Settings/Platforms in Xcode 15 RC the troubles were gone.
The lag issue for German voices seems to be solved on iOS 17. I have successfully tested it on iOS 17 beta / Xcode 15 beta 2 a few weeks ago.
Clarification: the first sentence should read "...the change of German VOICES from one utterance to the next..."
In this sample project the AppDelegate and the PersistenceController both conform to ObservableObject. Why?