I have a customized ray marching algorithm code and I want to run it in a metal shader. btw I am not sure how I can get the maximum performance in the metal shader. can you let me know what is the best way to get maximum performance between below 1) and 2) approach?
Use Computing Pipeline.
make a kernel function for ray marching and link it into computing pipeline and display it as a image.
Use Graphics Pipeline.
run the algorithm inside of the fragment shader directly and link it into graphics pipeline and display it directly.
I have a complex glsl fragment shader similar to ray tracing shader.
so I want to port it metal shader and use it in xrOS.
How I can use a metal shader in xrOS?
I created the VisionOS demo app and tried to use custom material shader for a box model.
But I failed to compile the project.
XCode says that "'CustomMaterial' is unavailable in xrOS".
Is there possible way to use custom shader for ModelEntity of RealityKit in VisionOS?