@apple can you please take this seriously.
This has been going for months - many threads in apple developer, reddit, news articles, etc but still no fix. I'm on big sur 11.4, this problem always happens when connecting to dock.
Submitted to APPLE so many times.
MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7
AMD Radeon Pro 5300M 4 GB
Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB
panic(cpu 4 caller 0xffffff8013a9f846): [kext.kalloc.2048]: element modified after free (off:1672, val:0xffffffff00000000, sz:2048, ptr:0xffffff9372beb000, prot:zero)
1672: 0xffffffff00000000
Backtrace (CPU 4), Frame : Return Address
0xffffffa0c6882c10 : 0xffffff801328e0dd
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
dependency: com.apple.AppleGraphicsDeviceControl(6.3.3)[6E0CE02A-0480-3500-9A25-9CD277522DF9]@0xffffff7fac94a000->0xffffff7fac94dfff
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)
Process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 20.5.0: Sat May 8 05:10:33 PDT 2021; root:xnu-7195.121.3~9/RELEASE_X86_64