
Post marked as solved
3 Replies
Determined the problem: WiFi. No, not my home WiFi as I have checked that from multiple sources including right on my MacBook Pro. The WiFi itself is not the problem. When WiFi is turned on, Xcode spins the beachball for seemingly random tasks. I noticed this as it tried to do a code completion which is when I switched on WiFi. Lo and behold: no problems with Xcode. As soon as I switched WiFi back on: spinning beachball.
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I created a new empty project. Had no problems until I opened the Add New File dialog. Then get the beach ball cursor. Xcode has been running fine for weeks now. How could it possible just do this? What changed? It has not loaded any of my previous projects when it does this as its a new project.
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Running Xcode build 12D4e on macOS Big Sur 11.2.3 on 16" MacBook Pro Intel. Started to hang simply by scrolling through text. Rebooted machine. Still a problem. Has become unusable.
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6 Replies
I believe the class function version of submitScores is for the class leaderboard while the instance version is for the recurring leaderboards. At least that's how I read their documentation.
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10 Replies
It is 12 Mar 2020 and I am running into the same problem on real devices - iPhone X models running production iOS 13.3. Whole QA team is grounded on this.
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43 Replies
This reproduces the problem:struct ContentView: View { @State var choices = ["Red", "Green", "Blue"] var body: some View { NavigationView { List(choices, id: \.self) { item in NavigationLink(destination: SecondView()) { Text(item) } } .navigationBarTitle("First") .navigationBarItems( trailing: NavigationLink(destination: SecondView()) { Text("Add") } ) } } }It doesn't matter what SecondView is. The point is that the nav bar trailing item, a NavigationLink, is inside the NavigationView. When this "Add" NavigationLink is tapped, it goes to the SecondView. When the Back button is tapped, the crash happens as described above. This seems a very typical way to display a list and add items to the list without using a presentation sheet.
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I am having a similar problem with Picker:class Category: Identifiable { let uuid = UUID() let label: String init (_ label: String) { self.label = label } } class SessionModel: ObservableObject { let didChange = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>() @Published var categories: [Category] = [Category("Home"), Category("Work"), Category("Financial"), Category("Entertainmen")] @Published var categoryIndex = 0 func selectedCategory() -> String { categories[categoryIndex].label } func addCategory(_ newCategory: String) { categories.append(Category(newCategory)) didChange.send() } }// usage Picker( selection: self.$viewModel.categoryIndex, label: Text("Colors") ) { ForEach(self.viewModel.categories) { category in Text(category.label) } } .pickerStyle(WheelPickerStyle())If you change the model (self.viewModel.addCategory("New Item")) the ForEach will not trigger. I don't know what else to do.