




Reply to Setting includeAllNetworks usually blocks GW connection in the extension, "kernel ALF, old data swfs_pid_entry"?
Still haven't figured out what to set to see the ALF data, but I noticed that there are some messages from netext about the connection that's failing. netext is a Microsoft Defender extension. If includeAllNetworks is on and Microsoft Defender is trying to do something with the traffic to the Gateway I suspect that it would be a problem. Are there any known issues that you can say anything about WRT anti-malware (e.g., Microsoft Defender) & proxy software (e.g., iBoss) interacting with VPN packet tunnels? It'll be tricky for me to find a test system which has none of these installed...
Jul ’22
Reply to Error accessing UIDevice.shared.orientation
Our problem isn't just orientation, and the failure message is consistent with every failure. The thing that seems oddest is that it will work fine the second call. In fact, if I break on the line of the call and make the same call in the debugger (and see it fail), then the call will succeed when I continue.
Aug ’22
Reply to IPv6 literals & URLSession host addresses
Yes. Pre-iOS 16 we were just setting the IPv6 literal and it was working. With iOS 16.0.3 customers saw that IPv6 was not working at all. It looks like that may have been partly an Apple issue, because there was other commentary about this on the net with other applications, and some of the problems went away with 16.1. This caused a lot of confusion about just whose bug it was :-) With 16.1 we see that if we set an IPv6 literal without [] around it in the URL components host field then the resulting URL (components.url) has an empty host: https:///<rest of request path> When we set [] around the literal then we get a proper request: https://[<IPv6 literal]/<rest of request path> We do have it working at the moment on pre-iOS 16 & iOS 16.1+ by checking to see if the host in final URL is empty. We didn't want to do a check for OS version since we weren't sure exactly which one gave which behavior.
Nov ’22
Reply to Xcode 14.3 freezes doing unit tests some of the time
Looks like this is connected with having a Swift class that implements a singleton using @objc class MyClass : NSObject { static let singleton = MyClass() @objc class func sharedInstance() -> MyClass { return singleton } When I access the class in the test case using: let myclass = MyClass.sharedInstance() I get freezes, and when I don't things work fine. There's no extra initialization being done in the initializer. Works fine running the unit tests through the CLI, but using the Xcode GUI breaks horribly. No messages about problems, no crashes, but Xcode is dead in the water at that point :-(
Mar ’23
Reply to Xcode 14.3 freezes doing unit tests some of the time
Cancel that. Still fails most of the time with the same symptoms & no information from Xcode... My singleton definition was straight from Apple's docs, but it was definitely the cause of the problem. I still have no $!!&%^$ idea what was going on, but changing it to static let singleton : MyClass = { let instance = MyClass() return instance }() Caused things to start working. Xcode was ridiculously opaque about what was failing, and why.
Mar ’23
Reply to DNS resolution issues, enforceRoutes & version question
Ok, we figured out what was happening here. enforceRoutes doesn't just ensure that traffic destined for the tunnel gets there, it also makes sure that traffic which does not match the tunnel does not go to the tunnel. We set the DNS resolver as the IP of the VPN interface, but that's not always one of the includedRoutes for the VPN. In that case enforceRoutes ON will make DNS resolution not use the tunnel. The workaround appears to be adding the IP address of the VPN interface to the includedRoutes. We haven't seen any side-effects from that yet. This is a pretty weird behavior for enforceRoutes. Not the only unexpected problem we've seen with that flag -- We have another question open in the forums related to enforceRoutes as well, and its interaction with excludedRoutes:
May ’23