After failed to find a solution (nothing suggested like change user/wifi/etc. helped, I've even reinstalled clear osx, since anyway planned to do that), I've end up with old good debugging. Can't say it was easy as I have no idea about java programming but with some luck I've figured out exact issue. Apprently iTMSTransporter code uses user timezone to generate temprorary file name, so if your timezone have splash, it will fail in a most silly manner. In my case it was "Asia/Barnaul" and the file name it was trying to generate was something like "http-blabla-timestamp-Asia/Barnaul-something.ext' which apparently is wrong and java library code has explicit check to fail on names like that, which it does.So, you can try to change your timezone to something like UTC (I actually did't try that as I wanted more solid solution)Or you can hack a bit iTMSTransporter launcher script to explicitly set timezone for the application. here that workaround I've used:add line DEFAULT_JVM_OPTIONS="-Duser.timezone=UTC${DEFAULT_JVM_OPTIONS:+ $DEFAULT_JVM_OPTIONS}"into file iTMSTransporter just before
JAVA_EXECUTABLE=${JVM_EXECUTABLE}that file located at /Applications/ for XCode
and /Applications/ for Transporter.
I am not sure if it is only one place where it has such bug in generation of temp files but hope so. Bug is reported with id: FB7613148