@matt @eskimo
Thank you for the confirmation, more I dig into this issue and more complaints I found, there are endless threads of IT folks asking Sophos and Cisco info on how to remove their sysex and Sophos is even suggesting to disable SIP in order to run a systemextensionsctl uninstall O_o.
Any clue on when/if the SIP restriction will be lifted on systemextensionsctl?
We see the same and if you run sudo systemextensionsctl list the result is a bit worrying:
2021-07-21 17:38:11.454 systemextensionsctl[1563:23928] unexpectedly trying to fetch info on a non-staged bundle?
-_- issue solved after 3 days of headbanging.
We added a --deep flag to OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS to our main target and that screwed everything. The uni tests passed and nobody noticed until last week.
Case closed.
-_- issue solved after 3 days of headbanging.
We added a --deep flag to OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS to our main target and that screwed everything. The uni tests passed and nobody noticed until last week.
Case closed.
I have the same issue and all documentation is un-surprisingly out of date :/ any news?