




Reply to CryptoTokenKit not working on Ventura
I'm a CTK developer, and I've observed this on Ventura. We have coded a persistent token extension, works very well on Monterey. On Ventura, the token will show up in System Information, but will not show any associated certificate or key. I enabled smart card logging, and I see this from ctkahp in the Console: debug 17:11:05.481626-0800 ctkahp AHP delegate sending event for ctkahp [2609], SmartCard removed, hints { 0 = ( myusername ); 2 = ( "com.myorg.myapp.myTokenExtension:BA584D9A-239F-4324-9A45-7FC66CEDB705" ); } Then I see the smart card is inserted again, then removed, then inserted. Ultimately, and even if the smart card is inserted, the cert and keys are not shown in System Information. Only option then is to kill ctkd and ctkahp, and I hate it.
Feb ’23