Hi, I'm Japanese Developer.
I had same problem "Your enrollment could not be completed.", before Payment section.
I tried many ways (create new AppleID, multiple devices, cancel Apple TV+, clean cashes and history, change language and country) but I couldn’t...
BUT TODAY, I can solve it!!
This is not Apple's bug, but they need fix system i think,,,
This site may help you -> h ttps://medium.com/@1998design/how-to-register-an-apple-developer-account-2020-183221496022
you need to delete SPACE between "h" and "ttps".
Maybe you need to try with new phone number. (I needed.)
I hope this answer will help you!!
↓ for Japanese
"Your enrollment could not be completed."のエラーで開発者登録ができない方はこちらのサイトをご覧ください!
h ttps://medium.com/@1998design/how-to-register-an-apple-developer-account-2020-183221496022
『 .NETゆる〜りワーク「Apple Developer Program 登録手順【2020年7月時点最新】」 』