




Is there a bug in Xcode 15
iOS Academy SwiftUI - Lesson 1-5: A View that previews perfectly while composing the ToDoList app does not display properly when compiled and run on an iPhone simulator. On the iPhone it looks just like it does on the Simulator. The view contains in a VStack, a HeaderView, a Form, and another VStack at the bottom of the screen that lets you link to the Register tab. The top and bottom of the screen do not fill out to the edges. Because of this the Form in the middle of the screen does not display. Running Xcode 15 on MacOS 14, latest version. Compiling for iOS 17. I have checked my source code line by line with source code provided by iOS Academy after following the first five lessons in the SwiftUI ToDoList app on You Tube. Has anyone else run into this issue. I ran on both the iPhone 13 and iPhone 14 Pro Max simulators. Images of the Previews and the Simulator are attached. Thanks! I really need some help with this! Dale - K0HYD
Jul ’23