




Regarding App Store Connect API v2.3
I'm contacting with a question regarding the in-app purchase price settings that use the App Store Connect API. Using App Store Connect API v2.3, we understand that we are supposed to be able to do the following: ・Change price for base country for in-app purchases ・Customize prices for in-app purchases Following this, we made a payload and tried to use it. ・Change price for base country for in-app purchases This worked without issue. ・Customize prices for in-app purchases This did not work. Regarding the customizaton of prices, is there any API available other than this one?: Any help you can provide on customizing in-app purchase prices would be much appreciated. For reference, here is the payload we tested: payload := { "data": { "type": "inAppPurchasePriceSchedules", "relationships": { "baseTerritory": { "data": { "type": "territories", "id": TERITORY_1(※), }, }, "inAppPurchase": { "data": { "type": "inAppPurchases", "id": ITEM_ID(※), }, }, "manualPrices": { "data": { { "type": "inAppPurchasePrices", "id": PRICE_POINT_ID_1(※), }, }, }, }, }, "included": { { "attributes": { "startDate": null, }, "relationships": { "inAppPurchasePricePoint": { "data": { "type": "inAppPurchasePricePoints", "id": PRICE_POINT_ID_2(※), }, }, "inAppPurchaseV2": { "data": { "type": "inAppPurchases", "id": ITEM_ID(※), }, }, }, "type": "inAppPurchasePrices", "id": PRICE_POINT_ID_3(※), }, { "type": "territories", "id": TERITORY_2(※), }, }, } We tested it in the following ways. Areas with (※) indicate changed values. Pattern 1: Success (set base country price) TERITORY_1: Base country code (e.g. USA ITEM_ID: In-app purchase item ID PRICE_POINT_ID_1-3: Base country price point (e.g. eyJzIjoiNjQ0NjQ3OTMwNSIsInQiOiJERVUiLCJwIjoiMTAzNTcifQ TERITORY_2: Base country code (e.g. USA Pattern 2: Failure (customize price outside of base country) TERITORY_1: Base country code (e.g. USA) ITEM_ID: In-app purchase item ID PRICE_POINT_ID_1: Base country price point (e.g. eyJzIjoiNjQ0NjQ3OTMwNSIsInQiOiJERVUiLCJwIjoiMTAzNTcifQ PRICE_POINT_ID_2: Price point to be customized in another country (e.g. axKaHdnaoADFGojkpfafQ3OTMwNSIsInQiOldaDfaeAEfBdageDlkP PRICE_POINT_ID_3: Price point to be customized in another country (e.g. axKaHdnaoADFGojkpfafQ3OTMwNSIsInQiOldaDfaeAEfBdageDlkP TERITORY_2: Country code to be customized (e.g. JPN Error message: { "errors" : [ { "id" : "e29b37ff-2159-4a15-b238-264ae96e9da1", "status" : "409", "code" : "ENTITY_ERROR.RELATIONSHIP.REQUIRED", "title" : "The provided entity is missing a required relationship", "detail" : "You must provide a value for the relationship 'inAppPurchasePricePoint' with this request", "source" : { "pointer" : "/included/0/relationships/inAppPurchasePricePoint" } } ] } Pattern 1 and 2 use the same payload, so we have set the "inAppPurchasePricePoint" in the relationship.
Mar ’23