




Reply to How to debug Auto Layout in UIKit?
I’m not sure about views, but constraints do have an “identifier” property that you can set in code or IB (using the attributes inspector) to make analyzing the logs easier. Lots of tips on debugging auto layout here:
Jun ’20
Reply to Anyone having trouble with In-App purchase not activating in app?
Is it possible this is the so-called “StoreKit flow” where the user is directed to the App Store app to update an expired credit card for example? In that situation, your transaction observer will receive two callbacks - the first failed, and the second success. Your code needs to be able to handle that case. Unfortunately I’m not aware of any way to simulate it to test said code. 😕
Jun ’20
Reply to iOS app Mapkit -> Postqres polygon query and response
That question is a bit too broad to give any answer. You will have to break it up into manageable pieces. For example how to build your overlays/annotations to look the way you want how to perform your database query when to perform the DB query - e.g. in response to the map view regionDidChangeAnimated If you’re making a network request to the DB, i.e. it’s not embedded in your app bundle, then you’ll have to debounce / rate limit your queries and deal with error conditions and query results coming in asynchronously. If you have specific questions that come up it would be better to post those individually rather than a general “how do I write an app to do this” question.
Jun ’20
Reply to Backward compatibilty of xcode 12
Your app will run, if it’s distributed ad hoc, via TestFlight or the App Store. But the old Xcode version will not be able to run development builds directly on the new OS. You’ll need Xcode 12 for that. Whether it will run without crashing is anybody’s guess 🙂 That’s why they give us early beta access, to fix any unexpected issues. Also keep in mind that there’s a requirement coming Real Soon Now (can’t remember the exact date, but it’s soon) that all updates must be built using the iOS 13 SDK, i.e. Xcode 11. So you’ll need to update to that version at least.
Jun ’20
Reply to Finding the lowest iOS version to develop an app for
Apple provides a little bit of data on the App Store developer page: Personally for a new app releasing in 6+ months I’d probably go iOS 14. You could say iOS 13 but all those devices can upgrade to 14, so adoption will probably be very high. You could argue that people who aren’t willing to update their devices after all those years aren’t as likely to spend money on new apps anyway.
Jun ’20
Reply to Context Menus In iOS 13.5 UIKit Auto Layout warnings
Unfortunately the title is not self explanatory. What warnings are you talking about? What do “context menus” have to do with it? Can you post the actual error messages (copied and pasted, not just your interpretation) and some simple code that demonstrates the problem? Without any details of the specific layout and the specific error messages you’re getting, all anyone can do is point you towards the Auto Layout Programming Guide -
Jun ’20