As part of a university project, we need to be able to display a website on an Apple Watch and log in to a service. Is it possible to get access to the WebKit framework in a watchOS app? We also need to be able to execute JavaScripts in the browser so that the login process works.
Is it possible to get access to the class SRWristDetection of the SensorKit Framework in a watchOS app? As part of a project, we need to be able to log in to a service and as soon as the watch is taken off, the user must be logged out.
Is there a way to access the Core NFC Framework from within a watchOS app?
I need to enable a user to log in to an SAP system. The login does not work on the Apple Watch. Is this because javascripts are not supported?
Is there another way for a user to log in to an SAP system with an Apple Watch?