
Post not yet marked as solved
7 Replies
I am using a link from Xcode releases and it fails: I get this web page: Your account can’t access this page. There may be certain requirements to view this content.If you’re a member of a developer program, make sure your Account Holder has agreed the latest license agreement. Visit your account.
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6 Replies
This is an old thread but a good repository for updating this list for modern OS I am missing some pieces and would like to fill in the blanks... especially for Boot-args. I have tried --without bootargs --without bootarg --without boot --without ba --without boot-args --no-bootargs --no-bootarg --no-boot-arg Apple Internal: (--no-internal) Kext Signing: (--without kext) Filesystem Protections: (--without fs) Debugging Restrictions: (--without debug) DTrace Restrictions: (--without dtrace) NVRAM Protections: (--without nvram) BaseSystem Verification: (--without basesystem) ? Boot-arg Restrictions: Kernel Integrity Protections: Authenticated Root Requirement: running strings /usr/bin/csrutil returns some intriguing stuff but I haven't been lucky some strings from csrutil isARVSealingRequired isAppleInternalPolicyAllowed isBootArgFilteringEnabled isCTRREnforcementRequired isDTraceRestricted isDebuggingRestricted isFileVaultEnabled isFilesystemAccessRestricted isKernelDebuggingRestricted isKextSigningRequired isNVRAMAccessRestricted isRecoveryVerificationRequired isThirdPartyKextLoadingEnabled ... setARVSealingRequired: setAppleInternalPolicyAllowed: setArguments: setBootArgFilteringEnabled: setCTRREnforcementRequired: setCredential:type:error: setDTraceRestricted: setDebuggingRestricted: setExecutableURL: setFilesystemAccessRestricted: setFirmwareSecurityLevel: setKernelDebuggingRestricted: setKextSigningRequired: setLocalAuthenticationContext: setNVRAMAccessRestricted: setObject:forKeyedSubscript: setRecoveryVerificationRequired: setStandardOutput: setThirdPartyKextLoadingEnabled:
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2 Replies
Thanks Claude31. That is exactly where I looked. I don't see "Mojave Compatible" listed anywhere. I just see "Catalina" in the notes for all 11.x.x versions.Edit: Thanks for the other link, That site listed the correct version.Ludicrous that we have to use a 3rd party site for this!