Migrating the watch app to a single target fixed the issue.
Thank you very much developper555, migrating watch app to a single target fixed the issue :). THANKS !
invalidateConfigurationRecommendations is designed to refresh pre-configured intent configurations by calling the recommendations() function.
With a watch app + watch extension, this worked perfectly on watchOS 9, but no longer worked on watchOS 10.
Thanks [https://developer.apple.com/forums/profile/developer555), I got it working again by converting my project into a single watch app, with no extension
Ok thanks 🙏
Thank you so much for sharing this workaround, much appreciated.
quick question: after the migration, can you set the minimum WatchOS back to 4.x ?
Anyway, I’ll try that ;)
Thanks again 🙏
Kindly let me know when you have posted your feedback. Thanks
Feedback just posted: FB13137452 with a very simple project that reproduce the issue.
I tapped the 'Mark as solved' icon by mistake, but can't unfortunately undo it :(