sure @melsam, I just did the test and by removing the implementation of the rules array from my tip struct, the tip is displayed as expected in the first access to the screen. It seems the issue is related to the donations, I also left just one rule to try and it does not work.
I've also tried the two ways to do a donation:
Task { await RankingViewController.didAccessRanking.donate() }
and it does not work
Sure @melsam, I just did the test and removed the implementation of the rules array from my tip and by doing that, the tip is displayed as expected the first time I access to the screen. I also did another test and left just one of the rules and it does not working, it seems that the issue is related to the donations. I've also tried both ways to do a donation: Task { await RankingViewController.didAccessRanking.donate() } and RankingViewController.didAccessRanking.sendDonation()
sorry for the spam 😅I thought that the first messages where not sent.
Hi @eskimo, yes, that's what I mean. With Xcode 15 is still crashing in the same way. Regards
from my side, I can confirm that that the fix it's working in iOS 17.2!! Thanks for the support @melsam