
Post not yet marked as solved
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I have an iPhone app that I have a visionOS destination. It seems to run just fine, but I can't get the normal visionOS hover effects to work on any of my controls. I'm talking about the usual highlight effect to indicate which control you are looking at, nothing special. I'm using standard control, I think. Some of the standard control, like the back button on the navigation stack and the tab icons for my tab view. But none of the standard button highlight. Here's a navigation bar button, for example. .toolbarBackground(.visible, for: .navigationBar) .navigationBarItems( trailing: Button(action: addSketch, label: toolbarAddIcon) ) The label function just supplies a standard icon. //Standard + icon for Add items to list. func toolbarAddIcon() -> some View { Image(systemName: "") .resizable() .frame(width: roundIconDia, height: roundIconDia) .padding([.leading, .trailing], 20) } So this icon does not highlight, even though the back button does. I've tried many combination of adding a .hoverEffect() modifier, but to no avail. According to the WWDC23 video, I shouldn't have to do anything. What I am overlooking?
by johnSOS.
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