This has been driving me crazy since iOS15. I had a great workaround in iOS14 which completely broke functionality in iOS15.
I've replaced most wheel pickers with menu pickers (but iOS15+ only, as the menu picker in iOS14 works differently)
There's still an instance where I need to use a wheel picker because the menu picker won't let me show images or custom fonts.
I also opened a feedback ticket but it doesn't look like anybody has seen it.
I even used one of my tech support tickets to ask how to deal with it and they just told me to open a feedback request. Very frustrating. I'll keep watching this thread for a solution.
Unfortunately this is broken again in iOS15.1
Thank you! I've been waiting for so long for a solution.
This works for me too, at least on iOS15 simulator. Does anyone know if it also works on iOS14?
I used
return CGSize(width: UIView.noIntrinsicMetric, height: UIView.noIntrinsicMetric)
because the problem was also happening vertically for me.
Thanks, that's what I needed.