




Clear ApplicationMusicPlayer queue after station queued
After an Album, Playlist, or collection of songs have been added to the ApplicationMusicPlayer queue, clearing the queue can be easily accomplished with: ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue.entries = [] This transitions the player to a paused state with an empty queue. After queueing a Station, the same code cannot be used to clear the queue. Instead, it causes the queue to be refilled with a current and next MusicItem from the Station. What's the correct way to detect that the ApplicationMusicPlayer is in the state where it's being refilled by a Station and clear it? I've tried the following approaches with no luck: # Reinitialize queue ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue = ApplicationMusicPlayer.Queue() # Create empty Queue let songs: [Song] = [] let emptyQueue = ApplicationMusicPlayer.Queue(for: songs) ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue = emptyQueue
Nov ’24
Generic function for playing MusicItem
I'm attempting to write a function similar to the example shared over in for playing a MusicItem using the SystemMusicPlayer. Currently, this function starts like this: func play<MusicItemType>(item: MusicItemType) async throws where MusicItemType: FilterableMusicItem, MusicItemType: Decodable, MusicItemType: PlayableMusicItem { var queue : MusicKit.MusicPlayer.Queue? switch MusicItemType.self { case is Playlist.Type: let request = MusicCatalogResourceRequest<Playlist>(matching: \.id, equalTo: MusicItemID("\(")) let response = try await request.response() if let responseItem = response.items.first { queue = MusicKit.MusicPlayer.Queue(for: [responseItem]) } case is Album.Type: let request = MusicCatalogResourceRequest<Album>(matching: \.id, equalTo: MusicItemID("\(")) let response = try await request.response() if let responseItem = response.items.first { queue = MusicKit.MusicPlayer.Queue(for: [responseItem]) } ... I'd love to clean up this case statement and instead construct a MusicCatalogResourceRequest using the generic MusicItemType type parameter, but I haven't yet been able to figure how to construct a KeyPath that matches the KeyPath<MusicItemType.FilterType, Value> type expected. Does anyone have any examples of interacting with MusicCatalogResourceRequest in a generic fashion that they'd be willing to share? Thanks!
Aug ’22