




Metal Shader Converter shader debug symbols
Hello, I’ve started testing the Metal Shader Converter to convert my HLSL shaders to metallib directly, and I was wondering if the option ’-frecord-sources’ was supported in any way? Usually I’m compiling my shaders as follows (from Metal): xcrun -sdk macosx metal -c -frecord-sources shaders/shaders.metal -o shaders/shaders.air xcrun -sdk macosx metallib shaders/shaders.air -o shaders/shaders.metallib The -frecord-sources allow me to see the source when debugging and profiling a Metal frame. Now with DXC we have a similar option, I can compile a typical HLSL shader with embedded debug symbols with: dxc -T vs_6_0 -E VSMain shaders/triangle.hlsl -Fo shaders/triangle.dxil -Zi -O0 -Qembed_debug The important options here are ’-Zi` and ’-Qembed_debug’, as they make sure debug symbols are embedded in the DXIL. It seems that right now Metal Shader Converter doesn’t pass through the DXIL debug information, and I was wondering if it was possible. I’ve looked at all the options in the utility and haven’t seen anything that looked like it. Right now debug symbols in my shaders is a must-have both for profiling and debugging. For reference an alternative pipeline would be to use spir-v cross instead. For reference here's what a typical pipeline with dxc and spir-v cross look like: HLSL -> SPIRV -> AIR -> METALLIB dxc -T ps_6_0 -E PSMain -spirv shaders/triangle.hlsl -Zi -Qembed_debug -O0 -Fo shaders/triangle.frag.spirv spirv-cross --msl shaders/triangle.frag.spirv --output shaders/triangle.frag.metal xcrun -sdk macosx metal -c -frecord-sources shaders/triangle.frag.metal -o shaders/triangle.frag.air xcrun -sdk macosx metallib shaders/triangle.frag.air -o shaders/triangle.frag.metallib As you can see, it's a lot more steps than metal shader converter, but after all those steps you can get some sort of shader symbols in xcode when debugging a metal frame, which is better than nothing: Please let me know if I can provide files, projects or anything that can help supporting shader symbols directly with metal shader converter. Thank you for your time!
Aug ’23
Debug symbols in metallib
Hello, I’ve started testing the Metal Shader Converter to convert my HLSL shaders to metallib directly, and I was wondering if the option ’-frecord-sources’ was supported in any way? Usually I’m compiling my shaders as follows (from Metal): xcrun -sdk macosx metal -c -frecord-sources shaders/shaders.metal -o shaders/shaders.air xcrun -sdk macosx metallib shaders/shaders.air -o shaders/shaders.metallib The -frecord-sources allow me to see the source when debugging and profiling a Metal frame. Now with DXC we have a similar option, I can compile a typical HLSL shader with embedded debug symbols with: dxc -T vs_6_0 -E VSMain shaders/triangle.hlsl -Fo shaders/triangle.dxil -Zi -O0 -Qembed_debug The important options here are ’-Zi` and ’-Qembed_debug’, as they make sure debug symbols are embedded in the DXIL. It seems that right now Metal Shader Converter doesn’t pass through the DXIL debug information, and I was wondering if it was possible. I’ve looked at all the options in the utility and haven’t seen anything that looked like it. Right now debug symbols in my shaders is a must-have, so I’ll explore other routes to convert my HLSL shaders to Metal (I’ve been testing spir-v cross to do the conversion, I haven’t actually tested the debug symbols yet, I’ll report back later). Thank you for your time!
Jun ’23