Just hit this issue after creating a new In-House certificate to replace one that was close to expiring - XC 15.4 trying to match (and failing) against the latest certificate rather than the UID of the one also present in the keychain that was used to generated the older provisioning profiles. Thanks @atajadod
Thanks for the pointers above. We can see an error in the device logs with the swcd process (below), but we are trying to identify the ip sources for the CDN bots or a reasonably narrow subnet we can filter our logs on - we don't think anything has changed recently in our app entitlements, hosting location or AASA file format - if we could identify the subnet range the CDN bots work from it would help us zone in on our problem.
Request for '' for task AASA-E9E77FFD-7D96-4B6C-91E8-F7B8EBC16E9D { domain: on….ai….ie, bytes: 0, route: cdn } denied because the CDN told us to stop with HTTP status 404: SWCERR00301 Timeout -- {"cause":"context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"}