




Applinks failing
Hello, We're facing an issue with app links failing and falling back to browser website journeys. Our apple-app-site-association file is hosted publicly and the app to app journeys have been working correctly up to very recently - we are trying to identify any potential network infra changes that could have impacted the Apple CDN being able to retrieve the apple-app-site-association file. We can see in the iPhone OS logs that the links cannot be verified by the swcd process, and using the api via curl can also see the CDN has no record of the AASA file. Due to the traffic being SSL and to a high volume enterprise site it is difficult for use to trace activity through anything other that the source IPs - we cannot filter on user-agent for "AASA-Bot/1.0.0" as breaking the SSL would be impactful due to the load. Is it possible to get a network range used by the Apple CDN to retrieve the AASA file as this would help us identify potential blocking behaviour? Thank you.
Nov ’24
SFSafariViewController lifecycle delegate
Hello, Is it possible to use a delegate or other approach to detect lifecycle events like form submissions / navigation events from the SFSafariViewController from the application that creates the Safari instance? The use case is a centralised session keep-alive requirement to extend the ttl on tokens for multiple third-party clients that use Single-Sign-On via browser cookies for authentication.
Aug ’24