
Post not yet marked as solved
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I have a MacOS Service application that I am trying to notarize & staple… The built application consists of a folder that includes the linux exectuable file along with serveral supporting subfolders. Those subfolders include mostly dylibs along with some xml configuration files. There is no .app bundle along with its normal /Contents and other packaged files.I have figured out how to codesign everything… which creates and adds in a “_CodeSignature/CodeResources” subfolder & file. But but since it is not an app bundle I am unable to notarize it.I am able to zip the folder (including the “_CodeSignature/CodeResources”) and notarize that… but then there is no way to staple the notarization to the zip or back to the original pre-zip files. I have also tried building a .pkg but when I try to notarize that it fails to find the codesign for the executable.... and I have the same problem with a dmg instead of a zip.Is there some way to properly notarize and staple in this situation?
by jim_meyer.
Last updated