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I'm building a settings page and simply want an active preview display embedded into a larger Font Settings View that has: editable text (so TextField) rendering of corresponding Apple provided TextStyle (so ask to keep with DynamicType guidelines) struct PairingDisplayView: View { @Binding var displayStyle: Font.TextStyle @State var displaySample = "This is a title" @State var bodySample = "Here's some body text to elaborate the font paring preview" var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { Group { TextField( "display", text: $displaySample ) .font(displayStyle) TextField( "body", text: $bodySample ) .font(.body) } .padding() } .overlay( RoundedRectangle(cornerSize: CGSize(width: 20, height: 20)) .strokeBorder() .foregroundColor(.cyan) ) .padding() } } I have a @State var selectedSystemStyle: Font.TextStyle = .caption2 that later feeds the said Binding... but I can't get over how confusing it is to me that a Font.TextStyle is not acceptable for the .font() modifier considering it's a Font and I appropriately call .font(displayStyle) Am I missing something fundamental here?
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