Yup – only python 3 on Monterey 12.4 that I can find:
~@icu-monterey ~ % python3 --version
Python 3.8.9
~@icu-monterey ~ % python2 --version
zsh: command not found: python2
~@icu-monterey ~ % ```
Ditto. Apple, this is pathetic. I mean, I'm using your vaunted hardware and I have a 1Gbps pipe in/out. What can you possibly be doing that takes so much time – downloading the entire contents of my hard drive? Trying to decrypt my encrypted information? Using my cycles to mine bitcoin?
Constructive criticism: stop treating your developers like you do your sheep in a TV commercial: tell us what you're doing; add a progress bar somewhere; provide an estimate of remaining time. Srsly, just hire a 10th grader to code these things for you.