




SwiftUI List vs UITableView/UICollectionView recommendation
I have a non trivial application that currently uses a UITableView to display numerous different types of cells. I'm working on a refactor, and have been attempting to use SwiftUI with List. My concern is that this may not be fully ready for the types of things I want to do in a high volume application. There are some basic things still missing from List that were in UITableView, like pull to refresh and custom swipe actions. I can write custom implementations, but I've started thinking more about the future of UIKit for lists vs SwiftUI. Apple is continuing to improve upon UICollectionView in particular, and it has a lot more customizability. I'm wondering - for non trivial lists, is UIKit with SwiftUI cells the preferred way to go? Where exactly does SwiftUI List fit? Is it still a work in progress that will eventually have parity with UIKit counterparts? Thanks!
Jun ’20
SwiftUI List rows with multiple buttons trigger all buttons
I have a SwiftUI List with an HStack containing two Buttons. If I tap either button, or elsewhere in the cell, the entire cell highlights and actions for both Buttons are fired off. I can't find where this is documented, but have found that adding .buttonStyle(BorderlessButtonStyle()) to the List prevents this behavior - tapping individual buttons fire their individual actions as expected. Is this an expected behavior? Below is my example without the workaround applied: struct ContentView: View {     var body: some View {         List {             HStack {                 Button(action: {                     print("button 1 tapped")                 }) {                     Text("One")                 }                 Button(action: {                     print("button 2 tapped")                 }) {                     Text("Two")                 }             }         }     } } Thanks!
Jun ’20