




I just started Mac development on an M1/Monterey MBP and developer signing won't work
I want to (continue to) use XCODE to develop for my personal, local use on my Mac as I have been doing for decades. But on my new computer, in every project, I first try going to the code signing options and select either my developer ID or sign to run locally, and then I choose my personal team name (I'm not professional developing at this point - just learning and running locally.) But on Monterey/M1 and the latest XCode, it won't accept my Personal development team - it just repeats the error "signing for *** requires selecting a development team", even though I selected my Personal Team. I am very desperate to start developing with my new Mac, and any help to get past the code signing problem is greatly appreciated. I just want my projects to compile and run again. I am willing to pay for help.
May ’22