Now I get completely different error message: No such module 'ExpoModulesCore'
I'm going to have to try and re-build the expo part and try it again.
This was completely different then the code signing parf.
Just from updating XCode and my IOS.
One thing I'm curious about, I'm updating my iPhone iOS now, but it's 16.7.2, But when I went to XCode, its trying to install 17.0.x on my iPhone.
Is this because y iPhone no longer supports 17.0.x? It's an iPhone 13, it was release a little more then a year ago, does this mean it's already obsolete.
Has anyone solved the CodeSign proglem. I tried every "solution" presented in this forum, but since then, IOS 17 just came out, so I'm updating now, I'll try again, but if anyone has anything I should know, please reply here.
I was able to get the emulator to eventually show up, and a sucessful build, but as it brings up the emulator,
I get the following error message, can someone please tell me what this means?
2020-08-15 12:46:07.813204-0700 WarCardApp1[29203:4640953] libMobileGestalt MobileGestaltCache.c:38: No persisted cache on this platform.
WTF is a persisted cache? is this some strange setting of XCode I didn't know about?
Do I have to Download the Interface Builder separately? I can't find it in the downloads folder.
I just downloaded a new build. The same thing happens. There is nothing changed.... so I cannot follow the tutorials because this XCode does not have these files in the Navigator. At lease the build works, but how can I open up the other things like the Interface builder? I can't find anything in the Docs that tells me how?